
Search expression levels in one or several genes: Searches the database for the expression of selected genes.

Search all genes expression levels in one or more cell types: Searches the database for the expression of selected arrays.

Quantile: Quantile normalization matches up the individual array distribution across all arrays, so that the largest and the smallest of each distribution are equal (default).

Metabolic genes: This matrix includes only the 1,704 metabolic genes.

All genes: This matrix includes all of the genes (17,778).

PresentCall: Affymetrix results can be analyzed to determine whether a given gene is expressed or not. If a gene is determined not to be expressed in a given array, it will be given the relative expression value of 1. (The value 1 represents an extremely low relative expression.)

KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Gene and Genome (KEGG) databases, available at http://www.genome.jp/kegg/.